4 month update

I really should get better at being on time. Partly because you tend to forget some of the milestones to write about!

We spent two weeks in Texas after turning 3 months old. It was fun! Lots of family time! The trip home was through Houston! We stayed with Aunt Sarah and Uncle John and the Kelly kids! Papa Burt (dad) rode with us and we enjoyed taking the more rural road south. In Houston we got to see Kendall Jones who has become famous for her supposedly controversial hunting safaris, but is also a Red Raider cheerleader. So she has two good things to like about her! We enjoyed our last moments with Papa and seeing the Kelly clan again!

The last leg of the trip was rough on us both because of not having extra help with the 3 mutts. But we made it home August 4th! Successful and fun trip!

During those two weeks Ella had a growth spurt, started to mimic the “Bbbb” blowing noise with her mouth, and dropped a nighttime feeding after the growth spurt!
After returning home, we transitioned wonderfully to the crib! Yay for Ella and yay for mom getting better sleep in between feedings!

She also learned a new way to make noise by sucking in our lower lip and almost Hmmmm-ing and cooing! Very exiting when she suddenly became very talkative with daddy on FaceTime one day! She became more consistent with rolling over from tummy to back! She also started observing our dogs more. She enjoys watching them play very much! I think she wishes she could get down and play too! Her movements are becoming more and more controlled and she is getting better at playing for longer periods on her own. She loves her playmat with the sea creatures I have hanging down! They make for good chew toys that aren’t easily lost since they stay hanging above her face!

Here are some pictures of month 4!









Ella’s 3 Month… A month late

Mom here… And sometimes that name still feels surreal!

So I’m a month late, just about. But better late than never!

Ella and I had a whirlwind adventure! Drove from Mississippi to West Texas! Met all sorts of family!

Started smiling with intent! We roll over, but only when we are in the mood! We sleep better through the night most nights!

I was nervous how she would be around others, especially men since her first couple months were very limited on being around men… But she goes really well with others! As long as she is fed and not tired she is a happy camper!

Seeing as I wrote this a month late, that’s about all there is to report for development! Check the pictures to see some of our adventures!










2 Months… Almost too late!

So, here I am… Knowing I need sleep, but finally getting around to Ella’s 2 month update! So here is Ella’s story up to 2 months (June 16th)…

I wasn’t great at latching at first, but I’ve got the hang of it now and a lot of times, mom is where I want to be. But I pretty well love being passed around too! Most of the time I’m happy when someone is holding me, but I don’t like to lay back! Keep me upright please, so I can see the world! This world is very interesting and I like to look around and take it all in! I hold my head up really well, so it’s pretty easy to look around! But I’m still getting into this laying on my belly and lifting my head thing… I’m still not sure about it!

I have really found my fists and I’ve started pulling myself forward when I am upright! Sometimes I discover my feet and stare at them! Not sure what those things are about or what they are there for yet! But these fists are pretty cool! I like to stick them in my mouth! If I suck on them or my arms for awhile, mom feeds me milk!

Sometimes I fight sleep during the day… My arms like to move just when I get settled or I’ll hear a noise that disturbs me. My nights are pretty good though! I still have to fill my little belly a couple times a night, but go right back to sleep! I wake up at 7am almost every day to talk to daddy. Sometimes he gets tired and we all go back to sleep after. It’s like we are sleeping all together even though we are apart!

Speaking of daddy… I know his voice and I love to hear him. I smile and coo at mom and the screen and he loves it! He is always saying to “tell me” and most of the time I’ll indulge him… Sometimes with noises that aren’t so cute!

Mom is hanging in there. Sometimes we both get frustrated, but we grow and learn together each day! I know she loves me and I love her! She loves to give me kisses and blow bubbles on my belly! I don’t know what to think of those yet! Maybe someday I’ll surprise her with a laugh!

That’s all for now! Look for my 3 month update in about 2 weeks!









1 Month!

Wow, she is over a month old now! Where did the time go? She has grown so much already, weighing in at 8 lbs and 3 oz and measuring about 21 inches long on her one month mark! I’m sure she is even bigger now!

She has reached her first developmental leap at the completion of her first month! She will start to be more perceptive of the world around her and will start to smile socially! It’s been a tough change to go through for us both, but we are almost through it and it’s so fun to see the changes in her!

I am starting to sleep longer at night anywhere from 3 3-hour stretches to one good 5 hour stretch! Of course, this means more awake time during the day! I like to give Momma silly faces and watch ceiling fans, even if they aren’t moving! The play mat with toys is pretty fun too, but I don’t like to lay there for very long! I prefer tummy time laying on Momma’s belly so I can look up at her face. Most of the time Daddy talks to me when I’m asleep or eating. It’s just how the time difference lands us! But he likes to see me and I gave him really sweet smiles the other night! He even. Caught a picture!

Nona has been visiting the past week and we really love time with her! She has helped Momma and me a lot during this leap when I am confused and cry for no reason. She also spoils us! Heehee!

I don’t have much else to report right now!20140526-173627-63387628.jpg







3 Weeks! Plus Epidural Story! ðŸ˜œ

Well, can’t believe it’s three weeks since Ella made her very grand entrance! We have had some rough moments, days, and one really rough night since Daddy deployed! We are surviving, however!

FaceTime chats are how we get to hear and see Daddy! Today I looked up at the phone screen and gave Daddy a sweet smile! I know it made his night! I love to hear his voice when he sweet talks me!

Momma is figuring it all out still! It’s hard not having Daddy’s help and support in person, but he tries to reassure her when he can. She cried with me the other morning after a long night, but I let her catch up on some sleep later that day!

I eat like a champ! I’ve gained about 8 oz since my last weigh-in! Soon I’ll be wearing all those awesome 0-3 size clothes I have! I probably have enough to wear something different every day for a month at least! Be looking out for all the cute pics!!

I love my car seat! Momma learned today that if I’m fussing on my Boppy or in the swing and she needs to get ready and get out the door, I am most happy waiting in the car seat where I can still see her! I do great to let her get out between about 11am and 2pm! I love going to events on base with momma because all the ladies she made friends with like to hold me! Miss Connie has claimed me for her self, though! She is Momma’s ombudsman and very sweet on me!

Hope you enjoy my update,
Ella Grace

Mom here again:
The epidural funny as previously promised!
So after 8 hours of transition-stage-like labor with Pitocin, I was still at only 2cm and wasn’t medically in active
Labor. It took some convicting Chad that I really was ready for the epidural because he knew how much I wanted natural birth, but I was ready for it!

Well, the anesthesiologist came in, Chad left, and they got the epidural put in. It wasn’t bad, but I’m glad I never saw the needle! I’m not typically scared of medical procedures, but I’ve seen the epi needle before and YIKES!

Anyway, so I read the anesthesiologist’s name badge and kept looking at his facial features to figure out his ethnicity. This was, of course, after I was back laying in the bed and feeling the amazing effects of the meds!! This is a bit paraphrased…
I decided to ask him, “Do you mind if I ask what your ethnicity is?”
He replied, “French, English, probably some others, why?”
“You have a unique name,” I said.
“Oh! I thought your name was Maj,” I exclaimed!
Suddenly we all erupt in laughter when I realize that “Maj” was his rank!
He played right along and started talking in a French accent as “Major”! *think French pronunciation*
We all laughed so hard and it was a nice relief after those 8 hours of hard labor!
To my credit… It was after previously mentioned hours of labor, I’m not familiar with Air Force rank, some staff have first and last names while some have rank and last, and he did have a unique last name!
Hope you can enjoy a little laugh too!!





2 Week Update!

I can’t believe Ella is already 2 weeks old! Time is already starting to fly by! We had Nona here for almost a week and then Grammy and Pop came in for 5 days! She has loved being held by everyone! She hardly spends any time laid down except for night time!

She loves to hold her head up and look around! She also loves to swing in her swing and be rocked in the glider by momma and daddy! She loves music time, but doesn’t always want to move her arms with momma and daddy’s help! Most of the time she indulges us and lets us move her arms to the beat!

At her 2 week appointment, Ella’s doctor seemed very pleased with her progress and current state. She is 4oz over her birth weight now, weighing in at 7lbs and 4oz, but that means she gained 11oz since her 2 day weight check the Sunday after her birth! Her length is the same, but we expect she’ll really start to grow here soon!

Momma and Daddy are happy with their Ella-phant and can’t get enough of her. Sometimes we still get lost on how to calm her down, but we are learning and growing with her. Every moment is precious, especially for Daddy since he will be on assignment before long. Ella will miss her Daddy and her Daddy will miss her even more, but as much as the days can drag, we know they’ll fly by once they’re gone. We will be so excited for Homecoming! Please keep Daddy in your prayers for strength while away and for Momma and Ella as we approach this time apart.


Ella’s Birth Story

Warning: full details and medical terms to follow!
As I mentioned in the last post, I went in for my 40 week appointment and had my membranes stripped…

I woke up at 3am on Tuesday the 15th and my bag of waters was leaking. The hospital staff had me give it 1 more hour and when I was still leaking, I went on in. They confirmed it was amniotic fluid and I was admitted. Now, for those that know, I was very adamant about wanting a natural, medicine free birth. So I asked how long I had until they wanted to induce with Pitocin. They gave me 5 hours from when it called at 3 am. I walked and walked and walked. At 8am, I had not started labor. At that time I had to concede and was hooked up to Pitocin to induce labor. The contractions were strong and very painful. As my nurse, Sarah, told me, when your body produces Oxytocin, it also produces endorphins. When Pitocin (synthetic Oxytocin) is given, your body doesn’t usually kick in those endorphins unless it also kicks in its own Pitocin. I did the slow, gradual increase of Pitocin.
The pain was serious, but I was working to manage it naturally with the methods I had learned. Every time I asked how far I was, I was told I wasn’t even in active labor yet. All I could keep thinking was, “If this isn’t even real labor, what am I in for when I am.” I was genuinely disheartened each time she told me that I wasn’t in active labor yet.
By 4:30 that afternoon, the contractions were constant and unrelenting, yet I kept being told I was still in early labor. I had started at a level 4 Pitocin and was now at 28. When they told me I was still only 3cm dilated, I knew I would be giving up another aspect of my birth plan and I chose to get an epidural. They inserted an interuterin catheter to measure the strength of my contractions. They also confirmed that Ella was head down, but was facing the wrong way (sunny side up), which explained my terrible back labor pains.

I’ll post a funny story about the epidural later… Stay tuned because it’s good!

The epidural gave me instant relief and I felt a LOT better, but was happy that I could still feel my legs and move them. They checked my again at about 6:00 pm. I was now at 36 level of Pitocin and still only 3cm dilated. The catheter they had placed indicated that I was constantly contracting and my uterus was not properly releasing between contractions, which explains why my “early labor” pains were so incredibly painful before the epidural.
At this time, they stopped the Pitocin to give my contractions a break and get my belly to relax.
Between 7:00 and 7:30 they started the Pitocin back up. They monitored my contractions closely and had to keep bumping the Pitocin dose back down because my contractions would get too hard and too close together again. My nurse for night shift, Kelly, had to keep me at an 18 level for a long time. For awhile, despite now having no feeling in my legs, I had Chad and the nurses help me turn over and lean over the back of the bed on my knees. I wanted to do whatever I could to help Ella get down the shoot! I also put Peppermint Oil from my new YL oil kit on my back since my friend had used it to help her baby flip out of Sunny Side Up position.
At about midnight, Kelly said I still wasn’t in active labor. Once I was in active labor, I would probably need to be there at least 4 hours to get me dilated and Ella down enough for delivery. Chad went to the house to let the dogs in.
The last time they had checked me was 6:30. With all they had done, they didn’t want to keep checking me since risk of infection increases each time. Kelly finally checked me again at about 12:50am on Wednesday, April 16th. She opened her eyes wide and said Ella’s head was “right there” and I was “complete” and ready to push! Mom started crying. Kelly high-fived me! I was so relieved. Now we had to figure out where Chad was, since the house was a 30 minute drive…
About 10 minutes later he came in and didn’t believe the nurse when she first told him I was complete! He had almost stopped long enough at home to finish his dinner. He had almost taken a “short” nap which usually never is just that. We were so blessed that he didn’t.
By 1:15, the nurse had me start a few “practice” pushes while we waited on Dr. Henderson to arrive. She arrived a short time later, also shocked at how the events had suddenly unfolded.
I pushed for an hour, holding Chad’s hand between pushes and watching my baby make her decent into the world with each labored push. At 2:17,
Ella Grace Tipps entered our world. I cried, Chad cried, mom cried. It was beautiful.
Dr. Henderson said I had a perfect delivery! I had a small tear, not even 1st degree. She told me she had needed to have me push more right at the end because Ella’s heart rate had started to drop. I’m glad she didn’t tell me at the time or I might have freaked out!
I did get my delayed cord cut for her to get the extra cord blood. Her cord was short like mine had been, so we were blessed that it wasn’t wrapped like mine had been! Chad cut her cord and they placed her on my chest. All I could do was marvel at my little miracle and cry happy tears of joy that I was finally holding her. Daddy was a wreck too. I also got my skin to skin for the first hour and got the first nursing in before they cleaned her up and did all of her other assessments.

God was in that room. Every nurse, tech, and even Dr. Henderson were sure I was headed for a C-section. God let my body do what it needed to without me ever being in active labor. Dr. Henderson said I had just proven the textbooks wrong with this birth, but we know it was God! I found out later that my friend, Leigh, had delivered in that same room the week before. She had an unusual and yet miracle birth as well. When she told me that we had delivered in the same room and that her mom had prayed over the births to follow in that room, I cried, thankful for a night God who works in amazing and miraculous ways.
We are so excited to have Ella here and to share her with the world! Thank you all for the prayers, love, and well-wishes! We are so thankful!


40 Weeks- No Baby Yet!

Weekend of Labor

Monday night after my 39 week appt, I started inserting Evening Primrose Oil capsules each night. I aimed to take 3 orally per day, but didn’t always remember in the mornings. On Thursday I started inserting 2 per night, one at bed and one when I next got up to use the bathroom. Saturday morning I got a pregnancy an reflexology massage where she massaged the labor-inducing pressure points in the ankle and heal. Saturday night I massaged them again. Sunday morning I walked 2 miles in the morning and afternoon I massaged the pressure points every now and then. I bought a pineapple and ate 1/4 at breakfast, 1/4 in the mid-afternoon, and most of the rest at 10:00 that evening. At 7:00/7:30 Sunday night I started to have severe lower back pain and premenstrual type cramps in the lower abdomen. Chad applied bio-freeze and Panaway YL oil and rubbed my back, but it still hurt. I was also definitely emotional either crying or stressing about different things.

Once I determined that the back pain and cramps were pre-labor indicators, I began to prepare “just in case”. Getting bags finished up and by the door. Showering and getting ready for a possible trip to the hospital. I was excited and worked up running around. The back pain decreased with being up and moving around, but the cramps came and went in little bursts. To calm myself and try to relax for bed, I bounced on my ball, ate the pineapple, and listened to music. Ella was still very active, but it’s better to be prepared than rushing around while in full blown labor! I made it through the night without any progress. If anything, my back actually hurt less.

The 40 week appointment was up, so we headed to Keesler. The midwife checked me and swept my membranes. I was dilated 2cm with Ella being lower and pushing down on me. Some progress! Typically, women will go into labor within 48 hours of having their membranes swept. We shall see!

Later Monday night, two more “pre-labor” milestones happened and although feeling exhausted, sleep evaded me. Tylenol and Benadryl (Tylenol PM) in hopes of getting relaxed and to sleep since my oils were packed in the hospital bag in the car! Hopefully tomorrow will bring even more progress and we won’t have need of the appointment that was made for Thursday.


39 Weeks

I had my appointment on Monday, right at 39 weeks. I definitely came out of there feeling disappointed and a little defeated. I am dilated about 2cm, but not effaced at all. Medical terms for as the midwife said, “I don’t think she’ll be here by the 14th.” I guess I was hoping for more progress. Then again, some women sit at 80% effacement and 2cm for weeks while others “blossom” in days. I’m still holding out hope that she will be here by a week from Friday. We want to avoid Hitler’s birthday/ National “Pot Day”! The doctor I prefer was in L&D this week, so we are giving up the hope that she will deliver.

I have been very into researching natural labor induction methods. I have begun implementing some that work over time and plan to use others this weekend as we approach the due date. She will come when it’s her time either way!

As with most pregnant women, the end is proving me to be impatient. For one, most of my friends have all had theirs and had them early this year that have been pregnant with me. As the baby does drop, the back muscles are more strained. The nights are more restless. I am ready to have her beside me instead of inside me!

Chad is excited and ready. He was hoping, like me, that she might come early. He almost can’t contain his excitement of holding his little girl!

Feel free to leave your comments for Ella! We would love to scrapbook a prayer or wish or hope you have for her in your thoughts of her before she arrives!


38 Weeks

So, the first post for Ella’s blog! We wanted a way to keep family up to date and in tune with Ella from near and far. Obviously social media like Facebook keeps people a lot more connected, but for those wanting a little more depth, this is a good resource.

Monday (tomorrow) marks 38 weeks pregnant. 2 weeks until her EDD (estimated due date). It’s a little more accurate since we had a dating scan, but there is still only a 5% chance of her arriving that day. Of course, we just love the thought of 4-14-14 as a birthdate!

God already knows the day and hour of her birth, so while we have hopes for when it will be, we know that she will come right on time no matter what!

Mom is anticipating that moment when labor becomes reality. There is a lot of excitement and nervousness wrapped up together for the labor and delivery. Dad is ready to hold his little girl (or his duckling as he has nicknamed her)! We both dread knowing that his career has afforded him limited time with her upon arrival, but are thankful that he will have what time he has been given including being at the birth. We are thankful, knowing not every military member is afforded that.

As of Saturday Ella “dropped” as one of the terms calls it. She is right on-time according to her great-aunt Kristie. We only hope. She still loves to move around, especially in the evenings when mom is trying to go to sleep. This is probably an indicator of what her initial sleep/wake cycle will be! She never kicked mom’s ribs, probably because mom is so long-waisted. However, she does like to firmly push or kick her feet into mom’s right side and push her bottom into mom’s ribs. Dad loves to feel her move and hiccup! He has been very involved including reading and/or talking to her every day/night. He calls mom’s belly the Ella Belly! He has also declared her birthday and all subsequent birthday parties Ella-palooza.

Well, at 38 weeks she is very well developed and would be fine if she entered the world at any time. We do hope, mainly for further brain and lung development that she goes to 39 or 40, however. Pray with us for Ella’s continued development and the impending birth experience!